Donate to Red Nose Day

Your donations ensure a bright future for all children.

Your gift is 100% tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Kids are counting on us right now. Around the world, natural disasters and conflict are displacing millions of children. And here in the U.S. four million kids are experiencing homelessness. On any given day, 13 million children in the US worry about getting enough to eat. That’s 1 in 5 kids who can’t rely on having breakfast before they head off to school. And speaking of school, education is critical in helping children and young people break the cycle of poverty, but the quality of programs attended by most low-income children isn’t adequate to provide the learning and development support kids and young people need in order to achieve economic mobility.

Your gift today will provide kids with healthy meals, quality healthcare, holistic support services, high-quality early childhood education, and so much more.