No child should
wonder when they’ll
have another meal

Putting three meals a day on the table was a struggle for millions of people in the U.S. this year. Red Nose Day works to make sure kids have access to healthy food when they need it and to address the root causes of food insecurity.

Donate today and help transform lives.

On any given day, 13 million children in the US worry about getting enough to eat. That’s 1 in 5 kids who can’t rely on having breakfast before they head off to school or look forward to dinner when they are finished with their day. 

The negative effects of malnutrition and chronic food insecurity can be devastating. Children's brains and bodies can't fully develop without proper nutrition. And hunger can prevent kids from learning in school. Quite simply, children need adequate food and nutrition in order to grow and thrive.

 Immediate help
for hungry families

In 1980, there were about 24 food banks in the United States. Today, there are more than 400, which serve 63,000 affiliated pantries, shelters, and soup kitchens. Red Nose Day has provided more than 2 million healthy meals to children and families to address this crisis, making sure people have something to eat right now.  

While everyone understands what it feels like to be hungry, the problem is more complicated. The growth of the emergency food system helps people who are having difficulty getting enough food. But, it has not solved the issue of hunger in America. The main cause of food insecurity is poverty. While geography and “food deserts” (aka communities that don’t have grocery stores with affordable, healthy food) have some impact on food insecurity, low wages and centuries of discrimination are at the center of the problem.

At Red Nose Day, we are focused on fixing the system. Our programs include a youth farm in New Orleans that is teaching young people how to grow and harvest their own food while providing fresh produce to community members who can’t find those products in local stores, and a “little market” in Houston where community members can find fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, and bread in addition to classes that educate families about the importance of good nutrition and food choices.

Long-term support
to change the system

A brighter future for all kids begins with you.

Your gift is 100% tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Donate today and help Red Nose Day put childhood hunger in the past.